On 23rd February 2021, Senior Programme Coordinator (SPC), Dr. Cosmas Munyeke (PhD), inspected the completed works for Ndalu Farmers Store in Bungoma County, Tongaren Sub-County, and Ndalu Ward. The refurbishment works was undertaken by the State Department of Crop and Agricultural Research (SDCD&AR) from financial support from The European Union (EU) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) at a total cost of Kshs. 4.8 Million. The facility works was undertaken between July 2020-January 2021 with a total capacity of holding upto 900MT of grain. The design and supervision of the facilities are done jointly between the Programme and the Engineering Department within the Ministry.
The ultimate objective of this refurbishment of Ndalu Store is to ensure that the targeted small-holder farmers have sufficient capacity for grain aggregation and warehousing. Further, the Programme is undertaking the improvement of key priority road access roads to this facility from to grain production clusters which will include installation of culverts and other small bridges across seasonal rivers and drifts, and graveling (murram) of road sections that become impassable during the rainy season.